Would Chris Taylor Lie To You?

Would Chris Taylor Lie To You?

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Tonight’s the night! The premiere episode of Would I Lie To You? is upon us. And we caught up with Team Captain, Chris Taylor to talk all things, truth, lies and Peter Dutton.

Yes, you read correctly. Would I Lie To You? premieres tonight at 8.30pm on 10 and 10 Play on Demand.


Chris, you have been involved in some of Australia’s greatest comedies across television and radio. What drew you to this series?

It’s funny, because I’d more or less retired from performing, preferring to just write and produce behind the scenes these days. But I made an exception for Would I Lie To You because I love the UK original so much. So I essentially came out of retirement because I can’t say no to a parlour game.


What’s the most outrageous lie someone’s ever told you outside of the show?

Peter Dutton once told me he liked Scott Morrison.


Has the show given you trust issues? Are you constantly analysing people’s body language and tone outside of the studio?

Yes, it’s becoming quite a problem. Whenever my wife now says, “I love you”, I just assume what she’s really saying is, “That lasagne you cooked last night was revolting. Oh, and I’m sleeping with your brother.”


There are a number of special guests on the show, who was a stand out to you?

I really loved Lloyd Langford. Not only because he was so brilliant at playing the game, but also because he became our default Covid understudy. Whenever a guest tested positive, we’d get Lloyd to come in and replace them. I think he ended up doing more shows than even I did. Strictly speaking, it should be him doing this interview.


George Costanza once said “It’s not a lie…if you believe it”. Agree or disagree?

Wow, so George Costanza basically invented Trumpism. Does that mean we should blame Seinfeld for the whole “stolen election” thing?


Do you have any advice for the fibbers of the world on how to convince their audience?

Talk less.

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