New Measurement Products Prove Paramount’s Performance.

New Measurement Products Prove Paramount’s Performance.

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Paramount Unveils A Suite Of Advanced Measurement Tools Designed To Meet The Needs Of An Evolving Marketing Landscape.

Paramount Australia has launched a suite of progressive measurement products to empower advertisers and marketers with meaningful insights to design and deliver successful and holistic marketing strategies.

Meeting the industry’s need for outcome-based approaches, Paramount Australia has introduced four new measurement tools to ensure marketers can validate and amplify the impact of connected TV (CTV) advertising within their entire marketing mix.

Rod Prosser, Chief Sales Officer Paramount Australia said: “Proof of performance is a key pillar in our strategic approach for 2024.

“The industry is shifting towards an outcome-based approach so there’s an expectation that effective marketing is built on understanding what’s driving results.

“We’re closing the loop for marketers by providing more meaningful metrics that demonstrate the role and power of CTV advertising within their marketing mix and empowering them to respond to trends and insights to achieve business outcomes.”

The four new measurement solutions provide powerful insights into brand and business KPIs.

Digital Brand Impact Study in partnership with Innovid and Brand Metrics, gives advertisers a consumer pulse check, testing digital campaign activity against brand KPIs.

Viewers are invited to share sentiment towards a campaign they have been exposed to with real-time survey responses and feedback via their remote control.

Paramount Interactive Attribution in partnership with Innovid, identifies the impact of CTV interactive advertising either as a standalone tactic or integrated within a holistic broadcast video on demand (BVOD) campaign.

By tracking viewer engagement and customer journeys in a privacy-first environment, this tool validates interactive and BVOD advertising against business outcomes such as booking appointments, online inquiries, or sign-up forms, and provides valuable audience insights to continually evolve and refine the campaign to maximise results.

The power of this solution was reinforced during the first campaign with Lendi, an online home loan comparison provider. It revealed 10 Play viewers aged 35-44, who watched reality travel shows like Australian Survivor and The Amazing Race, showed heightened interest in the brand and generated a website response rate 260% higher than the campaign average.

Paramount Brand Lift Study in partnership with Lucid, is a responsive traditional brand lift study that tracks digital campaigns on 10 Play across all devices and creatives.

Providing rapid access to essential brand metrics via Lucid’s verified online research, advertisers can track up to five brand KPIs such as awareness, consideration, ad recall and intent to purchase.

Paramount Data Collaboration in partnership with LiveRamp, empowers advertisers to conduct their own attribution and understand the role of Paramount within their broader media mix.

Advertisers can enrich their customer and consumer understanding, activate against their first-party data on 10 Play and maximise the effectiveness of their marketing mix through campaign and sponsorship attribution.

This compelling suite of measurement solutions equips marketers with reliable and meaningful insights to craft successful outcome-driven marketing strategies.

The combination of data-led ad experiences and the tools to measure effectiveness, sets Paramount Australia apart providing a unique opportunity for advertisers to respond to a dynamic marketing environment, drive efficiencies and deliver on brand outcomes.

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