Have You Met Tara?

Tara Biollo, is the EA to Dan Monaghan (SVP of Content and Programming), Yeesum Lo (Head of Development) and Azar Marashian (Head of Acquisitions). We sat down with Tara over an instant coffee (because she’s saving) to talk all things TV and strategic netball plays.

What do you love about your job? I love the people that I work with and the breadth of information I get to be across. I’ve always loved TV and wanted to work in the business, so I find that this position gives me a bird’s eye view of the industry and the company as a whole. You get to know things in and out, whether it be the IT specifications of certain rooms or the contracts for Acquisitions like SVU – I find it all interesting!

If you could be part of one show on any Paramount network, what would it be and why?

I feel like everyone says this, but it would undoubtedly be Australian Survivor! I camped a lot as a kid and still enjoy it, plus who wouldn’t want to give the challenges a go? My friends and I became obsessed with the show in lockdown, so it would be hilarious to actually do it.

Do you have a unique hobby or hidden talent?

My unique hobby is playing in a disastrously bad netball team called the Raspashootins. We have yet to win a game. Last week’s stunning 26 – 13 loss has done nothing to dampen our desire to win. In fact, we have taken solace in the fact that we’ve improved from our first game, 34 – 3.

What energises you when you’re at work?

The fact that I’ve always loved TV and now I’m working in it! I’m learning so much from the people around me. It’s energising to see how hard everyone works here, and how much pride they take in the content we put out.

Where would we find you on the weekends?

I live with four other girls, so we love to throw a dinner party every now and then or head to the beach. We live in Glebe too so the markets will usually get a look in on a Saturday morning!